Understanding Biofilm
The Facts
1. Free swimming bacteria (Planktonic cells) are relatively easy to kill with most available disinfectants.
2. The problem in contained systems is the biofilm, not the water.
3. Biofilms can form within 3 days after a water system has been disinfected.
3. Once a biofilm has formed it becomes a 1000 times more resistant to biocides.
4. For every planktonic cell found in the water system, there are up to 10 000 within the biofilm.
5. Biofilms comprise not only bacteria, but viruses, fungi, spores and other pathogenic materials.
6. Neither Hydrogen Peroxide nor Chlorine can penetrate and eliminate biofilms.
7. Once nutrient levels within the biofilm drop, ejected pathogens pour back into the water system.
8. Silver ions within Peroxsil Ag+ have the ability to penetrate biofilm and destroy all pathogens.
9. View an actual on farm site study with PeroxsilAg+ vs 50% Peroxide.
Step 1. Free-swimming bacterial cells alight on a surface, arrange themselves in clusters and attach.
Step 2. The collected cells begin producing a protective gooey matrix (EPS)
Step 3. The cells signal one another to multiply and form a micro-colony.
Step 4. Chemical gradients arise and promote the coexistence of diverse species and metabolic states.
Step 5. The biofilm reaches a critical mass and disperses bacteria, ready to colonize other surfaces