Aerosolized tunnels for the disinfection of SARS Cov-2
There are many chemicals that behave as disinfectants including aldehydes, alcohols, phenolic compounds, chlorine and its derivatives, quaternary ammonia compounds, biguanides, peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
All these chemicals have a place in surface disinfection however not all are effective against viruses and when one adds the human component almost all have to be discounted.
Peroxsil Ag+ can make disinfecting claims according to the FDA & EU standards for use with SARS-CoV-2.
Is Peroxsil clinically proven to kill Covid-19? Yes, according to the scientific studies.
a. Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces (Journal of hospital infection)
b. Republic of Ireland case study on PPE equipment exposed to Covid-19 provides significant lethality to
the virus.
c. Hydrogen Peroxide inhalation may improve Covid-19 patient outcomes.
Is silver contained in Peroxsil safe for humans?
a. Silver has been known for centuries as a disinfectant and even today is used on neonates.
b. Silver toxicity is related to concentration and the FDA has stated that silver with hydrogen peroxide is safe in bottled drinking water. Peroxsil's content is well below the maximum permissible limit.
It is known that only hydrogen peroxide is the safest chemical to use, at the right concentration, where humans require disinfection.The balance needs to be created whereby one can provide the highest permissible concentration for human safety, yet obtain a respectable viral log reduction in the shortest possible time frame.
Apart from the oxygen molecule oxidising the RNA genetic material of SARS CoV-2, the silver component works as an Electro Magnetic Field Field disruptor as it has nothing to penetrate. This combination ensures a 20x gain of function of Peroxsil's efficacy over standard hydrogen peroxide.
The recommended concentration will not act as a bleaching agent on clothing materials, hair, personal cosmetics products and the like, yet safe enough for nasal mucosa and the eye’s cornea.